To prepare the mode where people can add their own sentences, I needed a huge set of words ! It will help people to enter faster the sentences without having the need to define the tone etc …
To prepare the mode where people can add their own sentences, I needed a huge set of words ! It will help people to enter faster the sentences without having the need to define the tone etc …
But yeah … putting the whole dictionary in the app would have take months so I’ve decided to add Chulalongkorn University’s frequency list which contains 4000 thousand words.
For those who don’t know where is Chulalongkorn University, it’s in the heart of Bangkok (Is that info important ? not really but I was curious ^^)
And they have a really nice website (I invite you to look at it ^^)
I discover something interesting…
While I was doing that content input I discover something interesting which might transform in a new mode inside the app.
Many words are composed of smaller words let’s take an example :
ออกเสียง which mean To pronounce.
We can decompose that word like that : ออก-เสียง
Where ออก is To leave / Exit and เสียง is sound.
In an easy way a sound which is out ==> to pronounce (Logic no ? :D)
So, because the application backend already have all the decomposition of words like the example that I show, I was thinking of adding a new mode where you can see those “New word composed of other words”. I find interesting to know the origin of a word, how it’s composed and it’s easier for me to remember it and probably also create new association (even if I don’t know the final word)
Tell me what you think about it, if it will be useful for you or I’m in a total absurd world ? :