If you don’t have any sound in the app and you have a samsung phone, follow this steps to change the Text-To-Speech from Samsung to the Google one.

Unfortunately, Samsung have made their own Text-To-Speech system but without the Thai language in it. Thankfully, all Android phone have the Google Text-To-Speech pre-installed which have the Thai language.

Also, if you want to switch from a female voice to a male voice, follow the same procedure (It will works for every Android phone)

  1. Go to your Settings and Select Accessibility

  2. Select Text-To-Speech

  1. Select Google Text-to-Speech(2) then click on the small gear icon (settings - 3)

  1. Click Install voice data

  1. Select Thai from the list

  1. Choose a voice. You can take wath ever voice you want, there is male and female voice.

  1. Restart Read Write Speak Thai application and click on Play from anywhere, it should work (you might have a small delay the first time).

I hope this will help you ;)

If you have any questions or remarks, or if one steps didn’t work or is different from yours, contact us and we will help you.